Longboat Key & Sarasota Letters to the Editor week of August 30, 2024


Longboat Key News and Sarasota City News encourages Letters to the Editor on timely issues. Please email to: letters@lbknews.com or mail to PO Box 8001, Longboat Key, FL 34228. We also print letters sent to Town Hall that address Longboat Key issues. We reserve the right to edit.

Florida League of Cities
To: Longboat Key Commission
Thank you for requesting to serve on the 2024-2025 Florida League of Cities Intergovernmental Relations, Mobility, and Emergency Management Committee. FLC President Michael C. Blake has approved your appointment to the committee, and a confirmation letter will be mailed to your city office.
Attached are three documents:
The committee roster – please review your contact information and let me know if you have any corrections.
Press release template announcing your appointment (feel free to replace the FLC logo with your city’s logo).
Schedule and hotel information for the October 4 meeting.
Please email me at Jbranch@flcities.com by October 11 if you wish to propose a legislative priority for consideration by the committee. Statements should be 75 words or less and in the following format: “The Florida League of Cities supports …”. Proposed statements must address a legislative issue of statewide concern that directly pertains to municipal services and functions. The October 4 meeting packet will be emailed to you one week before the meeting.
2024-2025 Meeting schedule:
First Round of Policy Committee Meetings: Friday, October 4, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern Time at the Hilton Orlando, 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL 32819. Click HERE to reserve a hotel room under the League’s room block. The room block cut-off date is Tuesday, September 3.
Second Round of Policy Committee Meetings: Friday, November 8, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time at the Hilton Orlando, 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL 32819. The League will provide hotel room block information at a later date.
Third Round of Policy Committee Meetings: Thursday, December 5, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Eastern Time during FLC Legislative Conference at the Hilton Orlando, 6001 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL, 32819. The League will provide hotel room block information at a later date. The legislative priorities will be adopted during the Legislative Conference. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
Jeff Branch
Sr. Legislative Advocate
Florida League of Cities, Inc.

Florida League of Cities
To: Florida League of Cities Sr. Legislative Advocate Jeff Branch
Thank you Jeff. I look forward to serving again.
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Anything we wish to see on legislative list?
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

Gulfside Short-Term Nourishment
To: Longboat Key Commission
You’ll recall back in our 1st meeting in June that we had a discussion about both a short-term and long-term solution to our most heavily eroded part of the beach at Gulfside. The attached memorandum focuses on just the short-term nourishment with some unexpected good news regarding cost which allows us to literally buy some time for the longer term solution to materialize.
I want to thank Public Works Director Isaac Brownman, Assistant Public Works Director Charlie Mopps, and our beach consultant Dr. Albert Browder with Olsen Associates for their work on this effort. We look forward to moving the short-term nourishment project forward and completing it by the end of the year. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Gulfside Short-Term Nourishment
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Very positive report. I look forward to discussing the options.
Ken Schneier
Town of Longboat Key

Gulfside Short-Term Nourishment
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Thank you Tip. I appreciate the note, though it doesn’t explain what actually caused the outage. Do you know?
Penny Gold
Town of Longboat Key

To: Longboat Key Commission
For your information, last week saw some power interruption issues unrelated to a storm event and importantly unrelated to the undergrounding infrastructure. FPL has provided the following statement in response to last week:
“We apologize for the inconvenience for customers who experienced outages this week. We worked safely and as quickly as possible to address these issues and restore electric service. We are also enhancing our inspection of the overhead power lines in this area. This includes drone flight assessments to help our engineers identify any further issues that can be corrected to minimize the potential for future disruptions. We’ve been in contact with local officials and will keep them updated on our findings and progress.
These power interruptions were not related to our underground equipment and the ongoing underground conversion project. We remain committed to enhancing the reliability of the electric grid for the Town of Longboat Key.”

Staff has been in contact with FPL and will continue to work with them as they inspect the overhead power lines on the island and work to correct any weaknesses found. We appreciate FPL’s efforts to both drive to a finish for undergrounding and to keep the overhead lines strong (until the completed undergrounding makes them no longer necessary). To that end, we are still looking to complete final power conversions by the end of October and power lines/poles down by the end of December/early January.
Please let Isaac or me know if you have any questions.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Dock at Lands End
To: Longboat Key Planning and Zoning Director Allen Parsons
We may soon need to replace our northern dock at Lands End. This will be a significant investment that we would like to protect against future storms. Thus, we would like to raise the new dock by a foot or two above the seawall. However, I understand from Duncan Seawall that the town does not allow a dock to be higher than the seawall.
Is this true? If so, it seems rather outdated in this era of rising sea-levels and bigger/more frequent storms. Especially since the town now allows (if I’m not mistaken) for seawall caps to be raised. Any leeway here or must the ordinance be changed?
James G. Haft
Longboat Key

Candidate Forum
To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop, Sarasota City Vice Mayor Jen Ahearn-Koch
Just an update:
We have, and are again, planning to contact everyone via email for responses. Will also try to contact by telephone. Perhaps a call from LBK Town telephone number will help, to allow candidates to see where the call is originating.
If a new date is set will need to see if a meeting room at the hotel will be available on a different date. Also will need to see if Scott Dudley will be available on a new date – or have someone else.
Questions for the candidates must also be drafted in advance. Scott has planned to help with this also. Of course our Board can submit questions.
Also, of course, MSLC members will likely be attending and must have the firm date to plan their attendance.
A couple candidates have already responded to participate.
Will do whatever you all decide.
One candidate asked to participate via Zoom and I have been trying to find out how we can utilize equipment for everyone to hear and/or see.
Any suggestions please let us know what we need to do.
A deposit to the hotel for room usage was $900 and that has already been paid.
Will appreciate your input.
Gail Loeffler
Admin Coordinator
Town of Longboat Key

Candidate Forum
To: Longboat Key Commission
As I have not been involved with the organization of the event, I am not sure of all the moving parts, and pros and cons of changing the date, so I will support whatever decision you all make. Let me know how I can help when the date is finalized please.
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor
City of Sarasota

Candidate Forum
To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop
Sorry for the delay in responding, after the conference I left for vacation and just returned.
I remember we sent out “save the date” invites for the candidate forum on September 13 since candidates are very busy campaigning in October. Sarasota County Supervisor of Election website states early voting begins October 21 and vote by mail ballots are sent out early October.
I don’t know if there will be any October date that will accommodate everyone’s calendar, the venue’s availability and the moderator’s scheduling. I’m in favor of keeping the September 13 date, as long as we have some candidates willing to participate. Please let me know what you think.
Also, I’ll be happy to reach out to Rep. Buchanan and Simpson, just let me know.
Debbie McDowell
City of North Port

Candidate Forum
To: City of North Port Commissioner Debbie McDowell
If you can reach out to Buchanan and Simpson. I have had zero luck in getting any of these folks on the phone.
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

Candidate Forum
To: City of North Port Commissioner Debbie McDowell
I am not having great luck getting commitments for the September 13 candidate forum. Are you having any luck with the Buchanan/Simpson race or Dunbar/Nix?
I believe this was scheduled far too early without enough time to get folks lined up after the primary. Can we push this back into October and see if we can get a better response?
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

FEMA acceptance
To: Longboat Key Town Clerk Trish Shinkle
Good afternoon. You are receiving the below information as part of our partnership with the State of Florida ensuring information is distributed to Hurricane Debby affected communities to assist with recovery. Please feel free to share with your constituents and post on your webpage. The information provided in this Advisory is: Personal Property and FEMA Assistance fact sheet.
If you should have any questions, concerns or needs, please reach out to me. My contact information is below.
Personal Property and FEMA Assistance
FEMA assistance is limited to basic needs. It will not restore all property lost due to the Hurricane Debby. Insurance coverage is the best way to recover after a disaster. However, FEMA assistance for personal property may be available if you are uninsured or underinsured.

Types of Assistance
Appliances: Includes standard household appliances, such as a refrigerator, washing machine, etc.
Clothing: Essential clothing needed due to loss, damage or contamination.
Home Furnishings: Basic furnishings found in a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living room.
Tools Required for Work and School: Tools and equipment required for your job and items required for education purposes. This assistance also applies to self-employed individuals.
Computing Devices: This includes one personal or family computer. You may be eligible for funds for additional computers required for work or school that were damaged by the disaster.
Accessible Items: FEMA provides assistance for damaged personal property required for eligible applicants with disabilities.

Eligibility Conditions
Items must have been owned prior to Hurricane Debby and been damaged by the storm.
Items were owned and being used by occupants of the household.
FEMA does not provide assistance for furnishings and/or appliances provided by a landlord.
Items used by guests and relatives who were not members of the pre-disaster household are not eligible for assistance.
FEMA may not repair or replace a storm-damaged item if you own a similar item that works.
Visit any Disaster Recovery Center. For locations and hours, go online to fema.gov/drc.

How to Apply
Go online to DisasterAssistance.gov, use the FEMA App, visit a Disaster Recovery Center or call 800-621-3362 any day. Multilingual operators are available. If you use a relay service, captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA your number for that service.
Kimber Kipp
External Affairs Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist
Federal Emergency Management Agency

Florida League of Cities
To: U.S. Rep. Florida William Conerly
The Manasota League of Cities (which is all of the towns and cities in Manatee and Sarasota Counties) is hosting a Candidate Forum for all statewide candidates in these two counties.
We had to wait till the primary results were finalized before we could send invitations for this event which will be held September 13 at 1 p.m. at the Double Tree Hilton at 8009 15th Street East in Sarasota. Scott Dudley from the Florida League of Cities will moderate the event. Please let me know if you will be able to attend. It will be a great opportunity for you to share with the community the goals you plan to accomplish in Tallahassee.
BJ Bishop
Vice President
Manasota League of Cities

Florida League of Cities
To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop
Yes, I would like to participate in the forum. I have marked my calendar and will be there. I do have one question. Is the forum for officials and staff of your members or for the general public?
Bill Conerly
U.S. Rep. Florida

To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop
Thanks BJ! It was a great night for Manatee County!
George W Kruse
Board of County Commissioners
Manatee County Government

Question about Bobby Jones Golf Course
To: Sarasota City Vice Mayor Jen Ahearn-Koch
Jen, I see that the new Bobby Jones Clubhouse is on your September 3rd agenda. I have not seen any updated profit/loss information on how the golf course is doing. Can you share anything?
I would assume that before the city signs off on a new clubhouse the current year to date results would want to be looked at. Just wondering.
Bill Diehl

Question about Bobby Jones Golf Course
To: Bill Diehl
Thanks for reaching out about the Bobby Jones Club House site plan agenda item. It is my understanding that a contract approval is still needed at a later stage which will have all the financial details. I have copied the City Manager to correct or add info in case this is not correct. Hope this helps.
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor
City of Sarasota

Agenda item on Downtown Plan Ad Hoc Committee
To: Sarasota City Manager Marlon Brown
As we discussed, I am not pleased with the draft resolution, but I did note that the staff recommendation acknowledges that the Commission may want to make some changes. You are also aware that I’ve been consulting with Howard Davis. I look forward to seeing the recommendation that he distributes to the Commissioners, and will likely incorporate some of those ideas into my recommendations.
This is a “heads up” on the items of greatest concern to me. I plan to offer alternative wording, subject to the time constraints on the discussion.
Definition of “Downtown”
The current draft resolution requires the appointment of at least 2 committee members from “downtown” without defining what constitutes “downtown” for this plan or this committee. When I asked Steve for a definition, he cited all the areas zoned DTC, DTB, DTE and DTN. This, to me, could be a good starting point — with some additions that I’ve included in my draft, below. Howard suggested that no definition is needed if we assume the starting point is the boundaries in the Duany Plan. This might be acceptable if we at least described that area so members of the public (including me) knew where we were referring to.
I propose a definition as follows:
For the purpose of this plan, Downtown is defined as all areas zoned DTC, DTB, DTN or DTE, in addition to certain adjacent areas that are mostly surrounded by downtown-zoned districts and/or are generally considered “downtown” by the public.
That definition allows for the inclusion of areas such as Limelight District and Golden Gate Point.
Section 2. Membership
A suggested revision is attached. I believe the Commissioners are intelligent enough to handle 2 separate criteria in making committee appointments. I spoke to Shayla who confirmed that the application process could handle collecting the additional information needed.
Section 3. Duties
I don’t think the draft resolution clearly lays out the expectations for the committee, but I will wait to see Howard’s recommendations before drafting alternative language.
Is this an “update” or a new plan?
The answer probably doesn’t need to be incorporated into this resolution, but it will be critical as we move forward. The objectives of the Plan developed 25 years ago have mostly been met. We are facing new challenges, many of which were unimaginable in 1999 and 2000, e.g., the shift to “work from home” due to the pandemic, lower demand for brick & mortar retail due to online shopping, increasing effects of climate change. Will we be asking a consultant to tweak Duany’s plan, or challenge them to provide a Downtown Vision for the 21st Century?
I’m looking forward to a lively discussion on Tuesday. Have a good Labor Day weekend.
Debbie Trice
City of Sarasota

Agenda item on Downtown Plan Ad Hoc Committee
To: Sarasota City Commissioner Debbie Trice
Understood and thanks for sharing. Enjoy the weekend as well.
Marlon Brown
City Manager
City of Sarasota

Green Canopy and Street Tree Program
To: Sarasota City Public Works Director Douglas Jeffcoat
Thanks for the clarification on the use of the Canopy Tree Program funding related to Agenda Item X.1 (Surtax) as inquired by Vice mayor Ahearn Koch. As stated below, the initial amount in the Program before my budget recommendations was $989,000 in reappropriation and $575,000 in additional funds for the upcoming fiscal year (24/25). I directed that $489,000 from the reappropriation be used for other project budget shortfalls, leaving $500,000 in the reappropriation. The transfers shown in Agenda Item X.1 (Surtax) back up, are the projects the $489,000 will be used to shore up/fund. Together with the $500,000 remaining in reappropriation in the Canopy Tree Program plus the new funding ($575,000) for the upcoming fiscal year, there will still be $1,075,000 available for the Program.
Marlon Brown
City Manager
City of Sarasota

Green Canopy and Street Tree Program
To: Sarasota City Manager Marlon Brown
Thank you for this clarification. Much appreciated.
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor
City of Sarasota

Green Canopy and Street Tree Program
To: Sarasota City Manager Marlon Brown
The initial re-appropriation amount for Penny 3 was $989,000. Due to the actuals spent in 22/23 and 23/24 year to date totaling $7k, Penny 3 funding is being re-allocated to 2 projects with unfunded amounts for 24/25. $97K to Streetscape Lighting Improvements and $392K to Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) to provide additional match funding for grants. The proposed CIP shows a reappropriation of $500,000 in Penny 3 Funds and $575,000 in 24/25 from Tree Replacement Fund for a total of $1,075,000 in available funds for 24/25.
Doug Jeffcoat
Public Works Director
City of Sarasota

Need Your Help
To: Sarasota City Vice Mayor Jen Ahearn-Koch
I am writing to urgently appeal for your help pertaining to the lack of proper storm drains located on the 2100 Block of 10th Street, Sarasota, 34237 (intersection of East Ave./10th Street in the Park East neighborhood). The existing storm drains on this block do not work and there is not sufficient quantity in this underserved neighborhood to alleviate flooding. To compound things and make it even worse the 2000 Block of 10th Street which leads into the 2100 Block does not have any storm drains on the whole block — not even one (1).
Can you please help make this a priority with the City of Sarasota Department of Public Works and subsequent planning team, ensuring that they add our block to their capital planning projects for 2025. Their planning process is about to kick off so I beg you to champion this project as soon as possible with their office. Unfortunately, they do not want to honor my plea for assistance.
Storm Drain Location on 2100 Block Issues:
1. Address: 2156 10th Street – small drain (extremely tiny) for the entire street (as it supports both blocks) and is the only drain that takes in water but it is damaged, is original to the street, and has a small opening and cannot support the entire street for proper drainage. See attached image labeled Drain A.
2. Address: 2153 10th Street – does not work — it has no outlet due to the creek behind it and once it is full, it re-floods the street. There is NO back flow prevention on this drain and it is an environmental concern meaning it is not up to current code/laws. See attached image labeled Drain B.
Additional 2100 Block Issues:
1. The street level rises before the water can reach the one storm drain (2156/Drain A) which mean the water sits at the top of the street directly at my address on 10th Street so this needs to be addressed as well.
Curb and gutter repair and construction
Sidewalk grinding, removal, and construction
2. The 2000 Block of 10th Street does not have one (1), none, zip, zilch, single storm drain on the entire block which means all stormwater runs to the 2100 Block flooding it as well. This is alarming.
City personnel stated: “The street’s [10th Street] inception was back in 1926 and nothing has been done to it since.”
This is both sad, and wrong, especially considering that the City had no problem recategorizing zone codes for this district — allowing for more high-density developments to be built in this zone. This area cannot support it’s current infrastructure let alone support anything new. This was once again proven as we started this storm season coupled by the fact that the City has admitted that it has not made improvements to this street in over 90 years. It’s ridiculous how long they have left this area untouched, demonstrating that they are NOT effectively managing the stormwater.
The City’s approach is to now wait for developers to buy land and build new so the contractor can assume the responsibility/costs for storm drain improvements. However, residences, like myself, suffer and have our properties repeatedly damaged because they will not do the right thing and fix these storm drains.
The County has been out to service the storm drains in reference, I have called every year since I purchased my home, calling several times a year, but even the County workers stated that the City will not allow them to do any more than clean it, but in their opinion, “If it was within the County limits the drains would be repaired and new installed.”
This Interlocal Agreement is not successful as the City points to the County, the County tries but ultimately the finger pointing means nothing really gets accomplished. Plus, it allows the City to turn a blind eye to the frequency of requests and true problems. Until recently, the system for reporting was all offline and tracking was manually, if at all. This allowed the City to not focus on this need, leaving the onus on the County. The system is broken and the City needs to play a more active role. They are in denial of what needs to be done and clearly do not want to take the proper, required action.
There is also a Creek directly behind 10th Street the stormwater runoff is sure to have an environmental impact on this Creek as well. From what I understand, the Stormwater Environmental Utility (SEU) has dedicated funding to resolve storm drain issues like those on the 2100 Block but the City does not want to use this taxpayer funding to solve this specific problem.
It feels like these drains are also in violation of Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-555.360
Currently, the City also has 43 Capital Projects on their website the majority are for high visibility areas, less than 10% are to harden the City from the storms we face annually. RelicenseSRQ in its inception was intended as a grant from the State of Florida to harder the City and recover from Hurricane Ian. Instead, it is now being use to offer developers free cash to develop more housing complexes. Which is utterly wrong. Traffic circle landscaping is taking a priority among other high visibility items to make Sarasota “pretty” but not functional for its residents. It’s frustrating!

The City can’t only select to improve upon items within the City limits that make things “pretty” to increase tourism, to bring in new residents and additional revenue streams. The City must be held accountable to use tax payers dollars to keep their tax payer’s neighborhoods up-to-date, safe from avoidable infrastructure problems, up to code and current with modern day scenarios a neighborhood may face. They are not doing this! It needs to change.
Why can’t we (2100 Block of 10th Street) be included in the City’s Stormwater Utility Project (001308) which was recently removed from the website listing but is a confirmed and current capital project? Or why can’t we be added to the Curb and Gutter Construction Program (001633) capital project or the Neighborhood Improvements (000029) capital project – all currently underway and rolled over annually? The 2000 and 2100 Block deserves to be included in these or the future capital projects to resolve this issue.
In 2022, this block was hit hard by a tornado, then Hurricane Ian, and now the rainstorm on June 11, 2024. It is only getting worse. I will not be able to continue to live in Sarasota as owning this house and battling insurance companies after each storm event. This is not how I want to live my life. The damage and clean up to my property each time has been enormous, taxing, and challenging as the City clearly doesn’t care. It makes me sad, as it’s no way for a homeowner to live. I had just painted my house and re-landscaped the front bed when June 11 happened and that has all been ruined over storm drains.
It’s long overdue and this problem needs to be resolved. I hope I can count on your help. Should you need any additional information please feel free to reach me as I have provided my information above.
Kimberly Heimiller

Need Your Help
To: Kimberly Heimiller
Thanks for the comprehensive email! I do so appreciate you letting me know about this and with such valuable detail.
Good timing!
We are discussing Level-of-Service projects tomorrow at our City Commission meeting starting at 9 a.m.
Here is a link to the agenda item:
I have copied the Sarasota City Manager and our District 2 Representative on the Board of Sarasota County Commissioners Mr. Smith, as you well know, the City and the County coordinate on these matters of stormwater which are only going to become more and more urgent.
Thanks again and I urge you to attend the joint County and City Commission meeting in August to express your concerns before both Boards!
Thank you again and I am confident the City Manager, Mr Brown, will direct this email to the appropriate staff to address and respond in the meantime (and copy me as well please).
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor
City of Sarasota

Need Your Help
To: Sarasota City Vice Mayor Jen Ahearn-Koch
Finally met with SRQ City Public Works team (Douglas Jeffcoat and Nikesh Patel) today to discuss my initial email and the subsequent floodings. We received disappointing news and a redirection back to the County to start the process with their team.
They stated the joint commissions meeting on August 28, 2024 has been canceled. Is this correct? Do you by chance have a rescheduled date?
Also, can I set up time to come talk to you and the mayor in person? There were items discussed with the City that now require higher government attention and I would like to champion those in person. Can you kindly let me know?
Kimberly Heimiller

Need Your Help
To: Kimberly Heimiller
Apologies for the delayed response. I have a commission meeting in a couple of minutes but wanted to quickly respond.
Yes, it’s true. The county/City meeting is being rescheduled and I am not to to which date, sorry. I can not speak for the Mayor (and we can not meet together with you per Sunshine Laws) but I would be more that happy to meet with you and have copied Christina and Alexya to set up a meeting h for us.
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor
City of Sarasota

Need Your Help
To: Sarasota City Vice Mayor Ahearn-Koch
Hope all is well. Wanted to touch base and see if there was a positive outcome after the visit with the City’s Public Works team to my block (2100 block 10th St.) last week. You mention the team was reviewing the grading, curbs and more for this block and ideally developing a game plan to improve it. As you know, I am eager to hear the outcome and appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Kimberly Heimiller

Need Your Help
To: Kimberly Heimiller
Thank you for the follow up email! I briefly spoke with our Deputy City Manager about their visit and have copied him on this email to further communicate findings, details, and any other pertinent information. (And copy me please)
Jen Ahearn-Koch
Vice Mayor
City of Sarasota


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