Longboat Key & Sarasota Letters to the Editor week of February 14, 2025


Longboat Key News and Sarasota City News encourages Letters to the Editor on timely issues. Please email to: letters@lbknews.com or mail to PO Box 8001, Longboat Key, FL 34228. We also print letters sent to Town Hall that address Longboat Key issues. We reserve the right to edit.

FEMA Flood Standards
To: Longboat Key Commission
The link to the article FEMA review may jeopardize flood insurance, buildings – AMI Sun regarding the challenges that Bradenton Beach is facing is provided FYI. I am not sharing it to cast a shadow on Bradenton Beach as they are not the first and won’t be the last to be in this situation, but rather as a cautionary tale of what can happen when the FEMA standards are not followed.
Our Planning, Zoning, Building (PZB) Department has been very responsible about making sure the standards of FEMA and the national flood insurance program are followed to the letter. Our team recently had a similar audit by FEMA and the outcome was very positive, to the point where FEMA is directing other cities to Longboat to see how we are making it work.
Great appreciation for the standard of excellence we have achieved is due to the leadership of Patti Fige (Building Official) and Neal Mazzei (Plans Examiner). It is no doubt a team effort by all in PZB, but these two are dogged in their determination to ensure our buildings are as safe as they can be for our residents and businesses and that they can participate with confidence in the community insurance discount that this program affords.
Congrats to Patti and Neal for helping Longboat to achieve this record of achievement with FEMA!
Howard Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Is Gulf of Mexico Drive going to renamed?
To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
I apologize in advance for asking you a question you’ve probably been asked many times before, but I haven’t heard any news one way or the other, and I just have to know: Is the City of Longboat Key going to change the name of Gulf of Mexico Drive to Gulf of America Drive? If so, I suppose all of the street signs the length of the key will have to be changed, correct? I thank you in advance for your response.
Mark Ratliff
Longboat Key

Longboat Key traffic
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Sarah Karon, Commissioner Debra Williams
I know you both serve on various Manatee County Committees, so wanted to bring to your attention LBK North Board’s communication with our Manatee County Commissioner, Tal Saddique (District 3), regarding traffic delays exacerbated by the parking lot designs at Coquina and Cortez Beach.
If we do not have a response from Commissioner Saddique or his staff within the next week, I would like ask each of you to follow-up with a call to his office. Thank you for (on behalf of LBK residents, visitors and workers),
Maureen Merrigan
Longboat Key

Longboat Key traffic
To: Manatee County Commissioner Tal Saddique
We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss these traffic challenges and potential solutions to allow a more equitable egress off LBK for commuters/workers.
Maureen Merrigan, Paul Hylbert, Jim Haft, Jeff Driver
Longboat Key North Co-Chairs

Gulf of Mexico Drive/White Sands
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Thank you and FPL is aware. I believe it is planned to come down with the rest of the UG project wires and poles. It’s in Phase 4. Charlie has asked Guy to see if it can come down sooner, but it was planned with that phase pole removals, I believe.
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Gulf of Mexico Drive/White Sands
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Surely this falling lamplight could pose a serious injury threat to any innocent
passer by which could lead to legal action again The Town or FPL?
Realizing how busy everybody is right now and thank you for all the town has done,
I just wanted to bring this to your attention. Regards and thanks and no reply needed.
Michael Bergin
Longboat Key

Property Tax Exemption for Hurricane Impacts
To: Longboat Key Assistant Susan Phillips
Today’s Commission Mail contains an entry about property tax exemptions from Manatee County that I believe should get wide publicity on the Town’s website and elsewhere. Presumably a similar procedure is also available in Sarasota County. I’ve shared this with our Northend community (please see below).
Dear Friends
The Manatee Property Appraiser has sent out a reminder about property tax exemption:
“A homeowner may be eligible for a refund of a portion of property taxes paid (for the year in which the catastrophic event occurred) if the property was uninhabitable for at least 30 days due to a catastrophic event. To be eligible for a partial property tax refund, the property appraiser must determine the residential property was “uninhabitable.”
For more information and to apply for the requisite survey, click the link below to go to the Manatee Property Appraiser website:
Jim Haft
Longboat Key

Donating a bench
To: Longboat Key Town Clerk Trish Shinkle
Since the west tennis courts have been opened up for pickleball, now the same two benches are for four courts rather than two.
I don’t like to stand when waiting for my turn to play, so I’d like information about donating a bench for the south pickleball courts, not memorials, just benches like are already there? Is that a possibility? How much would a bench cost?
Jill Bishop
Longboat Key

Weekly Building Permit Activity Summary
To: Longboat Key Commission
Allen is sharing a picture of their permitting and inspection activity over a 7 day period. As he notes, we continue to utilize everything we have to push the permits and inspections out.
As a reminder, we are also going live on our new permitting system in March which will be an additional short-term headache for the team but will eventually lead to greater long term efficiencies. We appreciate the team’s herculean efforts to get our turnaround times down and people back in their residences.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Weekly Building Permit Activity Summary
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
As discussed, below is a snapshot of the most recent weekly permitting activity in the Department. The volume of activity is reflective, in part, of the extensive hurricane damage repairs & rebuilding that have been ongoing, but also reflects the typical non-storm damage building permitting that continues uninterrupted. Building Division staff continue to work diligently by prioritizing storm damage related permits & by prioritizing relatively straightforward permits such as roofs, demolitions, and a/c & water-heater changeouts. Staff have been working overtime, after-hours & weekends and we continue to supplement our staffing with mutual-aid, contract & Town-hired-private provider labor to help get people back in their homes, businesses & properties. We will be sharing this info on a regular basis.
Allen Parsons
Director Planning, Zoning & Building Department, Town of Longboat Key
Prescott Clean Water Mobile Water Treatment Unit
Second question first – Manatee County was not included, most likely because the permit was through the South Florida District of FDEP, which does not include anything north of Sarasota County.
In terms of scalability – good question, not sure how 80 gallons per minute is big enough for much beyond a canal or so. However, the idea of ozone and nanobubbles is a solid one, it’s the same technique that is involved in our “magic jet ski” study. We’ve known that ozone can kill red tide and detoxify brevetoxin for almost 50 years, it has always been an issue of scalability, not the science, as you’ve pointed out.
Dave Tomasko
Executive Director
Sarasota Bay Estuary Program

Prescott Clean Water Mobile Water Treatment Unit
To: Sarasota Bay Estuary Program Executive Director Dave Tomasko
How could this possibly be scaled to make a difference? Any idea why Manatee County wasn’t included in this?
Rusty Chinnis
Longboat Key

To: Longboat Key Assistant Town Manager Isaac Brownman
A big thank you to the team that came out and remove the huge couch from our canal last week.
Gary Coffin
Town of Longboat Key

To: SueRita Gelin
Arizona was great sorry to hear of your departure. I will certainly get by one day this week.
Gary Coffin
Town of Longboat Key

To: Longboat Key Commissioner Gary Coffin
How was your trip to AZ? I wanted to let you know that my last day at the Gatehouse will be Friday, February 14th. I hope your schedule permits you to stop by the resort (I am off on Monday, February 10th).
SueRita Gelin
The St. Regis Longboat Key Resort & Residences
Longboat Key

Chamber of Commerce Center
To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
Over the past few years, how many events have taken place, at the town center, that were not sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce? How many events have taken place during the seven summer months? What has been the average monthly number of visitors to the existing library, by month, over the past few years?
At a time of fiscal stress, should we be seeking optimal use of taxpayers money? County funds used to maintain a little used library come out of county real estate taxes. LBK property owners will pay for any county projects on the island, along with all the other county projects.
Gene Jaleski
Longboat Key

Legislative Report Committee Week Feb. 7
To: Longboat Key Mayor Schneier and Town Commissioners
Attached for your information is a copy of a Committee Week report from your lobbyists at Ramba Consulting.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact me or the Town Manager.
Maggie D. Mooney
Town Attorney
Town of Longboat Key

Contact Details and Request
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debra Williams
It is a pleasure to get to know you at the Commissioner meetings and in particular our conversation this week regarding key card systems your association deployed.
Can you remind me of the system your association deployed? Please and thank you!
Also as you represent our district, please let me know if I can be of help as a full time resident at Longboat Harbour.
Jeff Hecklau
Longboat Key

FEMA Mitigation Experts Offer Rebuilding Advice in Columbia, Hillsborough, and Sarasota Counties
To: Longboat Key Commission
As Floridians rebuild, survivors of Hurricanes Milton, Helene and Debby can get free advice on how to rebuild stronger and safer against storms. FEMA mitigation specialists will be available to answer questions and offer free home improvement tips and proven methods to prevent and lessen damage from future disasters. This information is geared for do-it-yourself work and general contractors.
Mitigation is an effort to reduce the loss of life and property damage by lessening the impact of a disaster through construction and remodeling best practices.
An insurance specialist will be present to answer National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) questions. Disaster Survivor Assistance teams will be on hand to provide updates on FEMA applications and answer questions.
FEMA specialists will be available from Feb. 10 through Feb. 22 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday and on Sat. from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET, at the following locations:
Columbia County: The Home Depot, 215 SW Home Depot Dr, Lake City, FL 32025
Hillsborough County: Lowe’s, 1515 E. Brandon Blvd, Brandon, FL 33511 (Feb. 10 through Feb. 15)
Sarasota County: Lowe’s SW, 4020 Central Sarasota Parkway, Sarasota, FL 34238
Stay in Touch with FEMA
It is important to let FEMA know about any changes to your contact information. You may update contact information or check on the status of your application by:
Visiting DisasterAssistance.gov
Calling FEMA directly at 800-621-FEMA (3362)
Using the FEMA app
Visiting a Disaster Recovery Center. Go to FEMA.gov/DRC or text DRC along with your Zip Code to 43362 (Example: “DRC 32344”).
For the latest information about Hurricane Milton recovery, visit fema.gov/disaster/4834. For Hurricane Helene recovery information, visit fema.gov/disaster/4828. For Hurricane Debby, visit fema.gov/disaster/4806. Follow FEMA on X at x.com/femaregion4 or on Facebook at facebook.com/fema.
FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during and after disasters.
Attached you will find a FEMA Advisory (News Release) FEMA Mitigation Experts Offer Rebuilding Advice in Columbia, Hillsborough, and Sarasota Counties. This information can be viewed by the public, shared with your community and networks, and posted on social media or in public places.
LaSharda Leasy
Intergovernmental/Congressional Affairs Spec.|Office of External Affairs
Federal Emergency Management Agency

Local Government Training for Advanced Air Mobility
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
This was an issue that we addressed when I was on the PNC board and I believe we made some entries into the comp plan to address it. It was an issue that either the state or the consultant asked us to consider.
Gary Coffin
Town of Longboat Key

Local Government Training for Advanced Air Mobility
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Gary Coffin
Thank you Commissioner for sharing. As this technology really starts to “take flight”, it could create very interesting opportunities in the expansion of the term multi-modal.
Staff is planning to attend this training and it would be good to have at least our new MPO Commission Liaison (when that person is identified) also attend.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Local Government Training for Advanced Air Mobility
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
These FDOT workshops on AAM’s relate to the “vertical lift” aircraft that I’ve reported on a few times following my FLC committee meetings. Perhaps expansion of this drone-like aircraft (e.g, emergency or medical treatment; business and pleasure travel; deliveries, etc.) should be integrated into MPO’s long range planning, as flight paths and docking will become more local and not limited to traditional airports.
Penny Gold
Town of Longboat Key

SPAC Agenda
To: Sarasota City Attorney Bob Fournier
We’re about to reach another deadline with the SPAC.
Am I correct that the City’s partnership with the Performing Arts Foundation ends if we take no action in March (either to approve the Implementation Agreement or to further extend the Partnership Agreement)?
After we exercise the next exit option in the architect’s contract (and pay the penalty fees), are we free and clear?
Will the City be free to pursue a partnership with a different entity for the purpose of developing a new performing arts hall.
I do not plan to bring this up at the February 11 Workshop, but I think it will be important for all the Commissioners to know when the SPAC is on the Agenda in March.
Debbie Trice
City of Sarasota





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