Longboat Key & Sarasota Letters to the Editor week of January 10, 2025


Longboat Key News and Sarasota City News encourages Letters to the Editor on timely issues. Please email to: letters@lbknews.com or mail to PO Box 8001, Longboat Key, FL 34228. We also print letters sent to Town Hall that address Longboat Key issues. We reserve the right to edit.

Christ Church of LBK on Jan. 12
To: Longboat Key Town Clerk Trish Shinkle
We are delighted to have such wonderful participation from Town representatives.
To confirm the plan:
Commissioner Sarah Karon and Mayor Ken Schneier will attend
Mayor Schneier will bring and read the proclamation (This will take place near the beginning of the service. He will speak from the lectern–the smaller podium–which has a microphone.)
Worship begins at 10 a.m. I will have reserved seats for both of them. I recommend being in the building not later than 9:40 a.m.
The Rev. Dr. Julia Wharff Piermont
Christ Church of Longboat Key

Thank You for Lunch
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Gary Coffin
Thank you for our lunch meeting today at the Dry Dock. I truly appreciated the opportunity to connect and discuss the needs of our community, particularly as they relate to tourism advertising. I hope I was able to provide some helpful insights into how the Longboat Key Chamber can serve as a conduit for boosting tourism while supporting the continued growth and success of our island.
As we discussed, one of the Chamber’s long-range goals is to have Sarasota County recognize the value in providing higher annual funding to the Chamber for the promotion of tourism. Our aim is to be responsible stewards of the community, continuously growing in our understanding of how well-thought-out use of tourism dollars can help Longboat Key thrive. With strategic planning and collaboration, we can ensure our businesses, residents, and visitors alike benefit from sustainable growth.
I’d be happy to meet with you anytime to brainstorm additional ways to strengthen our community. Your service as a Longboat Key Commissioner is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to work together.
Kim Verreault
Longboat Key Chamber of Commerce

Thank you for Lunch
To: Longboat Key Chamber President Kim Verreault
Thank you, Kim, for your time and the details of your operation. I was impressed by your dedication and efforts for our community and will do my best to find us some help.
Gary Coffin
Town of Longboat Key

Thank you
To: Longboat Key Commission
I received this email from Chief Turner yesterday, and am sharing it with his permission.
I believe it speaks for itself.
Jim Haft
Longboat Key

Thank you
To: Jim Haft
Thank you for asking the questions that need answers. Hopefully it will start a conversation reference the “new direction” the Town Manager has in mind. Is he planning to end Florida Accreditation?
Start a Public Safety Department combining Fire and Police?
As you concluded, this was a total surprise to both myself and to my staff here at the P.D, especially right after the devastating hurricanes, the fantastic P.D. response, and right before the holidays.
Not my definition of a professional way for the Town Manager to move in a “new direction,” by destroying my career and the forward direction of the P.D.
George Turner
Police Chief
Town of Longboat Key

Permit applications after storm
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Penny Gold
Thanks for forwarding Penny. We will follow-up with Ms. Lynch directly to find out the particulars. The information she’s been provided may not have come from the Town.
Allen Parsons
Director Planning, Zoning & Building Department
Town of Longboat Key

Permit applications after storm
To: Town of Longboat Key Planning and Zoning Director Allen Parsons
Under these extreme circumstances, can storm damaged sheet rock be treated like drywall to help expedite the permitting process on Longboat Key?
Penny Gold
Town of Longboat Key

Permit applications after storm
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Penny Gold
My name is Susan Lynch and I am an owner of a condo unit at Seaplace. My unit was damaged in the storm and needs sheet rock only for repairs. I have submitted a permit and was just told it could take 4-6 weeks for a permit. I find this absolutely madness that for Sheetrock to be replaced it takes this long. I would appreciate your help. I have never had a permit take this long under such unfortunate circumstances. These permits should be issued immediately so people can begin to recover.
Susan Lynch
Longboat Key

Condominium Milestone Inspection Reports
To: Longboat Key Commission
Sharing an important update from the Planning, Zoning, and Building Department regarding condominium structural assessments with the good news that no major structural issues have been identified in the reports that have been submitted.
I want to recognize Allen for his leadership and Patti Fige and Eileen Panza for the extra work that has been required with this new responsibility. This is especially true when we understand that while the report says 66 condominiums, what that really translates to is 244 buildings and 244 engineering reports, each of which is a separate review process. Additional work under normal circumstances but a herculean effort given the storm impacts. We will advise if there is anything remarkable in the 3 reports that we have yet to receive.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Condominium Milestone Inspection Reports
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Sharing the status update below regarding the relatively new statutory requirement to provide structural assessments (i.e. Milestone Reports) on condo buildings that are 30 years or older and are three or more stories in height. This is the Florida legislature’s follow-up to the Surfside building collapse that obligates condo associations to have a structural building assessment completed and submitted to the applicable local government when a 3+ story building reaches 30 years of age, and then every 10 years thereafter.
The first grouping of condos that meet those criteria were required to provide their first assessments (i.e. Milestone Inspections) by December 31st of 2024. Out of 66 condominium complexes that meet the criteria, we have received reports from 63. We are following up with the three complexes that have not yet submitted. We are very pleased with the response. And are happy to report that no major structural issues have been identified in any of the reports.
This has taken a significant effort to stand up this new Program, including getting a complete inventory of applicable buildings, developing a tracking system, staying on top of the outreach to let condo associations know about their statutory obligations and then reviewing the reports to be sure they meet statutory requirements and following up if there are structural issues that have been identified. Thank you Patti and Eileen for putting this together and for the ongoing follow-up!
Allen Parsons
Director Planning, Zoning & Building Department
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debra Williams
That’s exactly what we’re looking to do, just deleting the stuff that is out of date or no longer relevant. Thanks to all involved for getting this updated.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Chief Information Officer Jason Keen
Thanks for solving the mystery. Rather than remove the document entirely, perhaps it can be updated to reflect the current situation with Ohana (or remove that reference entirely). It still contains accurate and informative data regarding the ECL, beach renourishment, etc. in the Gulfside Road area.
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debra Williams
Julie mentioned below the fact sheet was outdated and should be resolved. Thank you and have a great (little too cold!) day!
Jason Keen
Chief Information Officer
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Chief Information Officer Jason Keen
It should be fixed now. I was wondering where the heck that fact sheet was being pulled from, I’m glad you found the location! I deleted the fact sheet because it had outdated information about Ohana House.
Julie Anderson
Office Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Chief Information Officer Jason Keen
There was a link on the Town website to the attached Fact Sheet 2/2022, entitled “Uninterrupted Beach Access”. The link is broken and no longer available. The page is not searchable either, with “uninterupted beach access” not returning this document. Can you check this out? Thank you.
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
Great news, having experienced one of these issues in the past I’m sure all the residents are relieved as well. I’m sure the accumulated data is potentially a gold mine for the fire and rescue services.
Gary Coffin
Town of Longboat Key

Condominium Milestone Inspection Reports
To: Longboat Key Commission
Sharing an important update from the Planning, Zoning, and Building Department regarding condominium structural assessments with the good news that no major structural issues have been identified in the reports that have been submitted.
I want to recognize Allen for his leadership and Patti Fige and Eileen Panza for the extra work that has been required with this new responsibility. This is especially true when we understand that while the report says 66 condominiums, what that really translates to is 244 buildings and 244 engineering reports, each of which is a separate review process. Additional work under normal circumstances but a herculean effort given the storm impacts.
We will advise if there is anything remarkable in the 3 reports that we have yet to receive.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Parcels with and without canal benefits
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debra Williams
I am sure we can do that and will provide a timeframe for when we can expect to see this information.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Parcels with and without canal benefits
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
As a follow up to the attached numbers that we received in November, can we get the total taxable valuation for the two groups listed below – properties with canal benefits and properties without canal benefits?
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key

Agenda Item
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debra Williams
You asked 2 questions: 1) What are the total number of properties within the Town? 2) How many of these are properties are located on/have access to canals, and how many do not?
According to Tara Hollis, our financial consultant for the canal maintenance program, there are approximately 10,100 parcels located within the Town Limits. Those parcels do include some non-taxable parcels (i.e. submerged lands, common elements, governmental and institutional parcels, etc.). Based on our initial analysis using the 2024 Taxable Values as provided by Sarasota and Manatee Counties, parcels that would be subject to a minimum annual Ad Valorem tax of $1.00 or greater is approximately 9,637.
With that as our baseline, the following is how this would breakout:
9637 total Taxable Parcels (All Pay Millage)
3660 with Canal Benefits (Pay Both Direct Benefit Assessment and Millage)
5977 without Canal Benefits (Gulf Fronting Properties, Properties within Bay Front Communities that are not on a canal, other properties not getting a Direct Benefit) (Only Pay Millage).
Those with direct canal benefits total 38% of the total amount of taxable parcels. We are looking to see if we have a breakdown by units (as opposed to parcels) and if we don’t have it by today we will have it for the December public hearing (if this item moves forward).
Hope this helps to answer your questions.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Donation of Beach Chairs
To: Longboat Key Commission
FYI on a good news story that helps us help some of residents who face mobility challenges with getting on and off the beach. Fire started this effort last year.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Donation of Beach Chairs
To: Longboat Key Town Manager Howard Tipton
There will be an article in the newpaper and a story on News 7 probably tonight about the beach chairs that were donated to us. We received two beach chairs that will be added to the one that we have been offering residents and visitors to use in order to get their elderly family or friends on and off the beach.
This program has been received well as we have been providing one beach chair to citizens for just about a year and know that with the two more in our fleet it will be even better. Just wanted to let you know…News 7 is here now filming.
Paul B. Dezzi
Fire Chief
Town of Longboat Key

FEMA approval
To: Tom Freiwald
As of my last conversation with Terry Cooke, SMYC Board Member, they were in the process of changing the contractor of record from Servpro to Claremont. I just left Terry a message on his cell phone again this morning just before 8 a.m. to get an update on how they are coming with the contractor change and permit transfer paperwork. We are just waiting for that to happen including the updated LBK FEMA paperwork to be submitted as well.
Once we get it, and all the dollar values match, we will process the updated applications immediately. We have one workforce staff Permit Intake Coordinator who works directly with me on processing these applications, and the SMYC is on our list of several condominiums that we are expediting their processing once all the paperwork is correctly submitted.
I will keep you posted Tom once we begin processing the revised permit and LBK-FEMA packages for the SMYC. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this summary to date.
Neal Mazzei
Plans Examiner
Town of Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Neal Mazzei
Neal, I thought these all have been processed after you and I spoke? Second contractor and submittal we discussed. Can you give me an update?
Patti Fige
Building Official
Town of Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Tom Freiwald
We just finished a Commission meeting in which we spent a while on permitting issues. Multi-family condos have experienced delays where contractors have requested drywall permits for certain units in a structure but not others. The FEMA 50% rule applies to structures, not units, so all units in a structure need to complete the paperwork before work can begin on any of them.
Spanish Main was mentioned as having an unusual issue as some of the properties are duplexes that require paperwork on both units for work to begin. The problem may have been complicated due to rehab work having commenced under one vendor who is no longer involved and some disagreements among different groups of owners and Board members. If you can shed some more light on the particular delays, maybe I can help.
Note that the Planning Department has been working full out on permitting and has hired some new staff and is looking to hire more.
Ken Schneier
Town of Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
Ken, is there any way to speed up the permitting process for drywall install? We have about 400 displaced folks.
Tom Freiwald
Longboat Key

Private Property/ Condo Association Beach Berm and Dune Restoration
To: Longboat Key Commission
A question was asked at yesterday’s Town Commission meeting about getting information out to condominiums and private property owners as to how they can go about restoring their own beach berm and dune planting system. Public Works has shared the following information (and the attached) with a number of individual property owners and also condo groups. We will work to send out to the Condo Federation, Longboat Key North and other beach fronting community groups:
Attached is a typical berm and dune planting restoration graphic, and it represents minimum recommendations. For storm protection, bigger dunes tend to be better, but that would have to be balanced with FDEP permitting and the property owners’ desire for 1st floor beach views during most normal days of the year(s).
For any beach work, the property owner/condo association representative would have to reach out to Florida Department of Environmental Protection (“FDEP”); this is the agency with responsibility permitting this type of work. Whether a property owner/association resides in Manatee County or Sarasota County, it is the same point of contact with FDEP. His name is Rolando Gomez, Engineering Specialist IV, FDEP CCCL Permit Manager. He can be reached at 850-245-7676. Often, these improvements can be done with a simple field permit.
For properties that want to conduct larger dune restoration enhancements or get into more detail, they can hire a coastal engineer to help with the design template and permitting, and even construction oversight, all similar to what the Town does for any of our beach projects. While we cannot recommend a specific vendor, we can share whom the Town typically uses for this type of work:
Coastal Engineering:
Foth Infrastructure & Environmental | Olsen Associates
2618 Herschel Street
Jacksonville, FL 32204
Tel: (904) 387-6114
First Line Coastal
8586 Potter Park Dr.
Sarasota, FL 34238
Tel: (941) 320-0241
Coastal & Marine Engineering
1491 2nd Street, Suite E, Sarasota, FL 34236
Tel: (941) 364-2425
6401 Congress Avenue, Suite 140
Boca Raton, Florida 33487
(561) 391-8102
Dune Reconstruction and Sub-Contracting Hauling Beach Sand and Earthwork
North Port Corporate HQ
2570 Commerce Parkway
North Port, FL 34289
Tel: (941) 426-7878
Due to the lengthy process the Town is undertaking through the FEMA reimbursement process, any major beach reconstruction activities could take some time, at least a year or more . Private property dune restoration will likely move faster. Once the Town concludes with the FEMA process and then move into construction, we can tie in any beach restoration activity that the Town conducts to what was re-established by the private property owner.
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Our Police Chief
Dear Mayor and Commissioners, I have been struggling without success to come up with a benign explanation for the recent dismissal of our Police Chief, George Turner. I gather from his written response that it was a surprise to him, and that it was not voluntary on his part. The process has been opaque: when I tried to provide the Town Manager with an opportunity to explain this decision at a recent Talk LBK meeting, he fell back on his prior statement that “we’re moving in a new direction.” Which is not an explanation at all. My question for our elected representatives is quite simple: Were you informed of this decision prior to its implementation, and was your input sought?
Did you meet among yourselves or discuss it with the Town Manager, either before or after it was announced? What is this “new direction,” why is it needed, why is it being implemented so quickly and without evidence of any due process? And why has there been no opportunity for public comment or discussion at a meeting of the Commission?
Jim Whitman
Longboat Key

Our Police Chief
To: Town Clerk Trish Shinkle
I was informed. We do not play a role in hiring staff except the town attorney and town manager. The public does not play a role in hiring department heads.
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

Our Police Chief
To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop
Thanks for your prompt response. So, do you have any information as to the “new direction” the Town Manager has in mind? You heard his response to my inquiry today, i.e. “I have no response at this time.” May I inquire if it is all right with you for the Town Manager to set a “new direction” for the Police Department on his own? And not even communicate what that “new direction IS? FWIW it is not all right with me!
Jim Haft
Longboat Key

Our Police Chief
To: Jim Haft
I don’t speak for others.
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

Town meeting
To: Longboat Key Commission
Thank you for hearing my statement on behalf of One Island One Beach, Inc. at today’s meeting. I certainly know how hard you all have been working these past few months and realize that this particular issue is certainly not a top priority at the moment, nor should it be. However, your comments and willingness to give consideration to the access issue is still very much appreciated.
Ms. Mooney’s opinion regarding the ECL is problematic as the ECL was drawn around the sea wall which doesn’t make much sense.
A friend sent me the following image of signage that is used in places in California with similar issues. I wonder if this is something that could be suggested to the new owners?
Patricia DeChiara
Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main

To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
Hello Allen and Happy New Year. Per Ken’s suggestion below, I’d like to meet with you to discuss eating this Spanish Main elephant one bite at a time.
We are now living at IMG Academy so I am very close to LBK and can meet with you on short notice at any time. Do you have any time tomorrow (Tuesday)?
Tom Freiwald
Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Tom Freiwald
I am happy to have the conversation, but I know Allen is conversant with the Spanish Main issues. If you haven’t discussed them with him directly, that might be a more productive first step. I think everyone in P and Z is coming up the curve quickly as to how to deal with the special multi-family permit problems. (One of the more common issues involves contractors pointing fingers regarding work they haven’t actually done yet). Whatever you need.
Ken Schneier
Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
Ken, I will call you tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, if that is convenient, or I can meet with you if that works better.
On the issues you describe below we have about 38 duplexes and we can temporarily remove them from the “master” permit application if that helps speed things up.
Yes, there are disagreements within Spanish Main about a lot of things, but not about moving forward as quickly as possible with drywall install. We are only talking about 4’ feet height of drywall install per unit (in the vast majority of cases).
Of our 212 Spanish Main units there are about 45 that are the only home for the owners. We already have a plan to install drywall in those units first, so if we can streamline the process by applying for those units only (at this time) at least work can begin on those.
Even if we have to apply for just a handful of units for work to begin we can make that work.
We know our 176 structures make it difficult to have a one-size-fits-all permit and we are willing to do anything to get the work started on at least some of them.
The old adage about tackling huge challanges is: The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. The annual customer satisfaction survey of LBK residents always rates LBK’s management as perhaps the best in Florida. With all the experience and creativity of Town Commission and Town staff I’m confident we can all work together to streamline the permitting process; one bite at a time.
Tom Freiwald
Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Tom Freiwald
We just finished a Commission meeting in which we spent a while on permitting issues. Multi-family condos have experienced delays where contractors have requested drywall permits for certain units in a structure but not others. The FEMA 50% rule applies to structures, not units, so all units in a structure need to complete the paperwork before work can begin on any of them.
Spanish Main was mentioned as having an unusual issue as some of the properties are duplexes that require paperwork on both units for work to begin. The problem may have been complicated due to rehab work having commenced under one vendor who is no longer involved and some disagreements among different groups of owners and Board members. If you can shed some more light on the particular delays, maybe I can help.
Note that the Planning Department has been working full out on permitting and has hired some new staff and is looking to hire more.
Ken Schneier
Town of Longboat Key

Building permits for Spanish Main
To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
Ken, is there any way to speed up the permitting process for drywall install?
We have about 400 displaced folks
Tom Freiwald
Longboat Key

Underground Project: Electrical Completion
To: Longboat Key Commission
Good news with the latest underground project update below. We continue to track towards January 31, 2025 for electrical conversion completion after weathering the storm and recovery impacts. From there, we can proceed with repairing storm-damaged streetlights and poles, begin installing backlit street name signs and the additional GMD highway lights on the eastside for the trail. Concurrently, FPL will be working on final pole removals, ETA to be determined, and then once wires are down, Wilco can install the final Phase 4 neighborhood streetlights.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Underground Project: Electrical Completion
To: Ryan Ouellette
Happy New Year, and I hope all is well! On December 2, 2024, I gave the Town Commission their latest underground update. At that time, we as a team had talked about a timeframe that looked like 6 to 8 weeks to full electrical completion, including switch orders, conversions, risers, etc., assuming FPL would be willing to recommit to streamlined services, which they did recommit to the Town on December 2nd. Then we authorized 1-week of critical streetlight repairs, giving a potential window then of 7 to 9 weeks from December 2nd. Seven to 9 weeks from Dec. 2nd lands us anywhere from January 18th to February 1st. Right now, the Town Commission is tracking January 31st, which is towards the end of that timeframe.
Now that we are in January and coming down to the end, please provide an update to our milestone completions and are progress to tracking to January 31st. Thank you!
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Underground Project: Electrical Completion
To: Longboat Key Assistant Town Manager Isaac Brownman
Happy New Year too! We are at the home stretch and are also tracking January 31st to complete all the conversions. Even with the holidays hampering our schedule, we gained significant progress in Phase 4. Please see the updates below and let me know if you have any questions.
Phase 3 (Country Club Shores to County line)
Transformers: 70 of 70 energized, 100% complete
Service Conversions: 283 of 283 complete, 100% complete (last update was 95%)
Switching Orders: 93 of 95 orders, completed 98% (last update was 97%) The only orders left are for the make-ready feeder risers. We are in a holding pattern until FPL Area Crews complete the St. Regis work.
Phase 4 (County line to Dream Island Road)
Feeder: 100% energized
Feeder Switch Cabinets: 17 of 17 energized, 100% complete
Transformers: 76 of 76 energized, 100% complete (last update was 96%)
Service Conversions: 283 of 515, 55% complete (last update was 39%)
Switching Orders: 111 completed of an estimated 115 orders, 96.5% (last update was 75%). The only orders left are the make-ready feeder riser and the autotransformers. These will be completed once the load is fully converted to the underground system.
Ryan Ouellette
Vice President of Operations
Wilco Electrical

Underground Project: Electrical Completion

To: Longboat Key Assistant to Town Manager Isaac Brownman
Thank you for the progress report. This is good news.
Penny Gold
Town of Longboat Key




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