Longboat Key & Sarasota Letters to the Editor week of January 17, 2025


Longboat Key News and Sarasota City News encourages Letters to the Editor on timely issues. Please email to: letters@lbknews.com or mail to PO Box 8001, Longboat Key, FL 34228. We also print letters sent to Town Hall that address Longboat Key issues. We reserve the right to edit.

Broadway Mini Circles
To: Pete Rowan
Thank you for writing, and I am glad that the mini-circles are working as intended! To answer your questions, please see below.
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Broadway Neighborhood Traffic Calming Mini Circles
To: Longboat Key Assistant Town Manager Isaac Brownman
Good morning. Thank you for installing the neighborhood traffic calming mini circles on Broadway. We now have a few months experience with the circles and would like to communicate with you a few observations that are below:
• We believe the circles slow a certain percentage of the traffic. This is great. They have certainly slowed most trucks and drivers new to the neighborhood. Maybe 50% of the traffic now slows as they navigate around the circles at the 3 intersections.
Excellent! Yes, we are seeing positive results in our observations as well.
• Others are still driving too fast, hugging the curbs as they near the intersections allowing them to speed the length of the street. We had hoped for, and recommended, significantly larger circles that would have prevented such easy driving around the circles.
Unfortunately, and as communicated in the past, we cannot make the circles bigger and fit them within the existing intersection framework as they will compress the travel lanes too much. As season picks up, speeding through the circles will be harder to do.
• There have been negative comments regarding the appearance of these circles. The circles are not the most attractive neighborhood traffic calming circles that we have seen. Picture A below is what we envisioned and hoped for, and Picture B below is what we now have.
The e solid, rubberized curbing is robust and made for traffic bearing. For this product and specification, there were only two colors/styles to choose from: black w/ white reflectors or red w/yellow reflectors. The red w/yellow, in our opinion, would not have looked good at all.
• As Picture B below shows the sand is leaking out from under the pavers. Thus the edge curbing is now quite a bit higher than the pavers. We suggest the circle edge be made of concrete and sloped similar to the slope of a speed table. Please see the new circles being installed on 75th Street just south of Cortez and the circle edge in Picture A.
We will talk to our internal Public Works team and also reach out to our installation vendor on thoughts/recommendations for the sand. At this point, we are not pursuing concrete curbing as it is much more permanent, impactful to traffic during installation, and costly/destructive to remove to accommodate future resurfacing or road raising projects on Broadway. Also, the idea of this project was to introduce these circles as a “pilot” to see how effective they are before a more permanent concrete solution is considered – the good news is they seem to be working, at least at this point.
Regarding the slope, and as has been communicated in the past, a low-slope traffic table was not the Town’s intent for traffic calming along Broadway at four-way intersections. The idea of roundabouts and mini-circles as raised roadway traffic control, particularly at intersections with multiple movements happening, is the approach The Town supported to slow traffic and maintain more organized intersection movements.
• As we advised, and we think it is fine, most drivers are making left turns in front of the mini circles (except when a car is already there). We anticipated this when reading about neighborhood mini circles. Thus the 6 circle street signs, indicating the approaching circles, are not too meaningful and seem to be ignored by virtually all drivers.
Yes, regarding he first sentences, staff have observed cars making left-turns in front of the circles when it is safe and clear to do so and that seems to be working fine. Regarding the signs, the actual movement intent for vehicles under normal or heavier traffic conditions is to circumnavigate around the circle. The signs will continue to convey that traffic intent.
• The slope of the circle edge is steep so drivers almost always drive around them. We had anticipated the edge of the circle to have a slope like a speed table, and also for the circles to have been much wider. That would have forced drivers to travel over the circle and the circles to act as a speed table at the intersections.
To the first sentence, yes, that is good, that is the intent. For the rest regarding slope, that was not the Town’s intention as intersection control and to slow traffic. The higher edges accomplish both in an effective fashion. Please see above.
• Very long tractor-trailers and large trucks have learned how to manage right turns to avoid the existing curbs. These vehicles must swing wide and often over the circles. Drivers do this slowly and without apparent difficulty.
Good, that is good to hear and what we had hoped/intended as well.
• Thank you very much for not having any street paint.
You are welcome, we believe that the circles are operating well without approach paint, and so the Town does not see a need to install the paint at this point.
Thank you again for addressing the speeding issue on Broadway and we would hope that in the future the modifications noted above could be incorporated.
Brian Feeney
Larry Kanarek
Carla Rowan
Pete Rowan
Longboat Key

Broadway Mini Circles
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Sarah Karon
Thank you Commissioner Karon. Possibly, and we will check into it and options to address.
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Broadway Mini Circles
To: Pete Rowan
Thank you for reporting on the new circles, Pete. Glad to know that they are performing as hoped. Isaac and Charlie: I’m curious about the leaking sand, will it require replenishment?
Sarah Karon
Town of Longboat Key

Permitting for Banyan Bay Club
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debra Williams
Just letting you know that staff followed-up with the Manager of the Banyan Bay Club. There was missing FEMA paperwork. Receiving that information will allow the permits to be reviewed and issued.
Allen Parsons
Planning and Zoning Board Director
Town of Longboat Key

Permitting for Banyan Bay Club
To: Longboat Key Planning and Zoning Director Alan Parsons
A friend and neighbor reached out to me regarding some difficulty their community at Banyan Bay Club is having getting permits for storm repair (electrical, plumbing, and drywall). They have 22 units waiting to be repaired, and are obviously anxious to get the repairs started so they can get back in their homes. They are working with Charlie Bell, Panhandle Contractors, for the repairs. Is there anything that can be done to get the process expedited?
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key

FEMA Fact Sheet
To: Longboat Key Town Clerk Trish Shinkle
Floridians Can Appeal FEMA’s Decision
If you applied for FEMA assistance, you will receive a decision letter in the mail or via email. If you disagree with the decision about your eligibility, you can appeal within 60 days from the date on that letter.
What to Include When You Appeal
The letter from FEMA will provide additional information on the types of documents or information that you may need to provide.
Supporting documents may include:
• Receipts
• Bills
• Repair estimates
• Property titles or deeds
• Any other information that may support your reasons for the appeal
FEMA will also include an optional appeal form that may be used to help provide additional information.
When submitting any documentation or information to FEMA, you must include your FEMA application number and disaster number (DR-4806-FL for Hurricane Debby, DR-4828-FL for Hurricane Helene and DR-4834-FL for Hurricane Milton) on every page.
For appeals by a third party, the applicant or co-applicant must also have a valid Written Consent on file for the third party with authorization to appeal or represent the applicant at the time of inspection.
If you have questions about your letter or how to appeal, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362.
How to Submit Your Appeal
You can submit your appeal and supporting documentation:
• Online at DisasterAssistance.gov. Log into your account and upload supporting documents via the Correspondence Upload Center.
• By mail: FEMA Individuals & Households Program, National Processing Center P.O. Box 10055 Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055
• By fax: (800) 827-8112, Attention: FEMA – Individuals & Households Program
Stay in Touch
If you applied for disaster assistance, you are encouraged to stay in touch with FEMA. It is important that FEMA be able to contact you. If there are changes in your phone number, current address, banking or insurance information, you should let FEMA know, or you may miss important telephone calls or correspondence. Be aware that phone calls from FEMA may come from unidentified numbers.
For the latest information about Hurricane Milton recovery, visit fema.gov/disaster/4834. For Hurricane Helene, visit fema.gov/disaster/4828. For Hurricane Debby, visit fema.gov/disaster/4806 . Follow FEMA on X at x.com/femaregion4 or on Facebook at facebook.com/fema.
LaShardy Leasy

Longboat Key Bicycle Assoc. Gulf of Mexico Drive
To: Longboat Key Town Clerk Trish Shinkle
Some info on the state of the sidewalks and bike lane on GMD.
At this point it seems that the sidewalks are relatively free of debris.
The bike lanes have some bad spots and there remains a fair bit of debris, glass, etc along the roadway.
As you probably know, the FDOT are responsible for GMD and sidewalks, not the Town. Though the Town does advocate for all cyclist.
Yesterday, I spoke to FDOT, both Manatee and Sarasota, and it turns out they had crews on the road, including a sweeper. However, they would not commit to a completion date.
Today I saw FDOT and AIMM crews working along the road and another crew prepping one of the wash out area’s. So progress is being made.
While there is regular maintenance along the road, if someone would like to report a condition, they can call the Manatee Operations Support Center at 941 708 4400. They will direct the call to those responsible in Manatee or Sarasota as appropriate.
Tom Saunders
Longboat Key Bicycle Association

Longboat Key Bicycle Assoc. Finding Our Strengths / GMD Clean Up
To: Longboat Key Bicycle Association
Following my last email which included some information on the volunteer GMD clean up on February 1st, here is the link to register for the Finding our Strengths get together and GMD clean up; Register here for Finding Our Strengths.
Tom Saunders
Longboat Key Bicycle Association

Finding Our Strengths / GMD Clean Up
To: Longboat Key Department Heads
The Town was approached by a resident who had interest in taking lead on a volunteer based GMD Cleanup to collect debris leftover from the claw trucks and/or just regular trash left along the roadside from littering. I was assigned to work with this resident and connect them with FDOT to help coordinate and get things moving in the right direction.
The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 1st from 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with a sign-in station at the Longboat Island Chapel. I have arranged to have Keep Manatee Beautiful and Suncoast Aqua Ventures to assist in providing additional volunteers, buckets, pickers, and gloves. FDOT is in full support of the event and will provide safety vests and may erect message boards on the ends of the island (TBD). A hydration and snack station will be available onsite as well. I will talk separately with Public Works on a few other items we may need Town help/support with. There are multiple groups who have come together to support this event with SRQ Strong managing the registration, please see the attached flyer. (Please note: There is an error that will be corrected ASAP on the EventBrite Page as SRQ Strong accidentally listed St Mary’s rather than Longboat Island Chapel).
After volunteers sign-in, they will be assigned to a particular Zone to collect debris and deposit it at a dedicated ‘drop site’ along GMD. Per our latest communication with FDOT, they said they would collect the bags from ‘drop sites’ and I will be reconfirming that along with an anticipated timeframe for collection. Within each Zone we will identify and inform volunteers of public parking areas, restrooms, and water bottle refill stations. No parking will occur within the GMD right-of-way.
Some of the details are still being worked out, but in summary; that is where we are at. It would be great to have the flyer shared on the Town’s social media platforms. I will be onsite for the entire event helping coordinate and helping make sure things run smoothly. I can share a count as to how many folks have registered a few days prior to the event.
As far as the Finding Our Strengths Gathering, I am not involved in that but I have seen the flyer circulating and there has been a request to have it shared on the Town’s social media page and/or possibly posted on the Town Hall bulletin board. I personally feel it would be appropriate to share on social to show our support and encourage community gatherings of this nature. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Alexandra Lowe-Mains
Officer Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Finding Our Strengths / GMD Clean Up
To: Longboat Key Department Heads
This is the event that Alex is heading up. It is a clean up event and she volunteered her expertise on making this happen. The Eventbrite registration is for awareness of how many folks are coming. I included her to provide further guidance.
Charles Mopps
Interim Public Works Director
Town of Longboat Key

Police Department Update
To: Longboat Key Commission
As you are aware, we are beginning our transition with the leadership of the Police Department and Deputy Chief Frank Rubino will become the Interim Chief at the close of business today.
Over the coming months as we go through a process to select a new Chief of Police, I want to share with you the priorities that I have shared with Chief Rubino:
First and foremost, we will continue to support our Officers and staff at the PD as I have since I arrived two years ago. The safety of our community and the support for our Officers remains my highest priority.
I have asked Chief Rubino to meet with key Town Department Directors and Managers with the goal of improving relationships and establishing better lines of communications. The Police Department is part of a larger team and improving our teamwork is critical to our success.
Chief Rubino will be working with our communications team to expand how we share important information with our community. Tina Adams, who lead our emergency communications efforts through this past storm season so successfully, will be the Town’s new PIO (in addition to her other duties) and she will work closely with Chief Rubino in this effort.
Our Police Department will continue with their re-accreditation efforts utilizing our consultants and appropriate staff. We remain committed to meeting the highest standards of performance and accountability.
I will be meeting with Police Department staff to talk about this transition period next week. What I will share with them is this:
You have the complete support of the Town Manager and the Commission. My job is to make sure you have the tools and support to be successful and if there is anything you need from me to accomplish this I will work with Chief Rubino to get that done.
We are future focused, looking for opportunities to get better every day. Any suggestions for ways to improve are welcome and will be evaluated and if it moves the needle in a positive direction will be implemented.
There is a rumor circulating about combining Fire and Police into a Public Safety Department. That has not been, nor will it be, a direction I would pursue. We can achieve everything we need to do with the goal of these two Departments working better together.
While I don’t have a set timeframe yet, we will be going through an external search process for the next Chief, just as we’ve done for the Public Works Director position, and I encourage anyone internally who may have an interest in this to apply. In the meantime, your day to day responsibilities continue to be the same as we provide exceptional services to this premier community.
Mayor and Commissioners, I will continue to update you as needed as we go through these coming months. As I told Chief Rubino, anytime there is a change there can be both challenges and opportunities and this interim period will be no different. My expectations are that we will work as a team, within the Department and the organization, as well as with our community partners. And together, we will manage the challenges and make the most of the opportunities before us.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

Country Club Shores capital projects
To: Longboat Key Assistant Town Manager Isaac Brownman
Perfect Isaac, that will get us rolling.
Gary Coffin
Town of Longboat Key

Country Club Shores capital projects
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Gary Coffin
As discussed and in preparation for your meeting, below are updates to select Country Club Shores (“CCS”) area capital projects:
CCS Asbestos Cement Pipe Watermain Replacement:
CCS Phases 4 and 5
The construction contract was about $5.6 million, and construction began in October 2023. The project is anticipated to achieve substantial completion by the end of January. All construction related to the original contract has been completed, and we are currently addressing the final punch list items, which include valve adjustments and hydrant altercations. Additionally, we are awaiting the final reconciliation of billing. This has been a very successful project.
CCS Phases 1, 2, and 3
There is approximately $3.5 million set aside for this project in the Town’s current FY 25 capital budget. At this time, we are pausing on bidding this work right now as we just approved and advanced the water meter replacement and upgrade project with Johnson Controls, Inc. That should take place over the next 6 – 9 months town-wide Once that project is complete, at least in the CCS Phases 1, 2, 3 area, we can circle back and work to bid out that portion of the asbestos cement water main project.
CCS Turn Lane Project – FDOT funded:
Gulf of Mexico Dr. is a state road owned and maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation (“FDOT”). FDOT has agreed to fully fund the construction contract cost of about $2.6 million. The project adds 12 turn lanes to the area, five (5) of which will have curbed median islands. This is per FDOT permitting and direction. The Funding Agreement with FDOT was completed in November of 2024. The Formal Contract with Superior Asphalt, Inc is being finalized, now.
Superior’s tentative schedule has the project starting in February. They will begin with the Maintenance of Traffic (Traffic Control Devices) set up mid-February. From there they will be conducting earthwork and drainage on the western edge along the roadway limits, and that work should take them through the third week of March. Major construction will continue through the end of May with landscaping and irrigation being established in June. This is the tentative schedule we are working with at this time. Two lanes of travel through the construction area are anticipated to remain open throughout the project. The Town is aware of the concerns raised by some residents about making left-turns out of streets adjacent to a new curbed median island; the Town will continue to work with the Contractor, Design Consultant, FDOT, and the Construction Engineering Inspection firm to address these by shifting the curbing south where available. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Isaac Brownman
Assistant Town Manager

Town of Longboat KeyMeeting with Senator Boyd
To: Florida Senator Boyd’s Office Amanda Romant
No Amanda – specifically with Senator Boyd to discuss the insurance nightmare our constituents are facing following the hurricanes. Do you still have our possible dates from my last email?
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

Meeting with Senator Boyd
To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop
Good Evening! Are you looking for a District meeting? Thanks!
Amanda Romant
Florida Senator Boyd’s Office
Florida Senate

Meeting with Senator Boyd
To: Florida Senator Boyd’s Office Amanda Romant
Our Town Manager, Howard Tipton and I would like to have a follow up meeting with Senator Boyd to discuss the insurance situation in Florida and, specifically what residents of Longboat Key are experiencing.
Our calendars have time the afternoon of January 17, afternoon of January 22, fairly open January 27 and January 28. Please let me know if you can find time on the Senator’s calendar on one of these days.
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

To: Longboat Key Commission
Risk is offset by the size and depth of the risk pool, subscribers times premium amount. Florida is a risky place for insurance companies. So is California.
Perhaps a national non-profit risk pool might spread the risk coverage so that any single event would have a tolerable impact on the pool as a whole.
Perhaps risk area or location, along with mitigation might be factored into the premium differential added to an individual policy.
Taxpayers are already paying for FEMA and other state/federal assistance programs. However, actuarialy some taxpayers may actually be paying more than they might in a properly designed insurance program. The unknowns of the climate crisis may rapidly alter any plans.
Gene Jaleski
Longboat Key

HUD Grant

To: Longboat Key Mayor Ken Schneier
I heard from Charlie late Friday that they will receive $240 million. They are reviewing all of the grant requirements (which as Sarasota learned are considerable) and he said he’d follow up with me once they had a better idea of the process they would be recommending. I did tell him to touch base with Sarasota since their efforts seemed very well organized. Creates a real opportunity for some unexpected assistance on our worst Manatee streets.
Howard N. Tipton
Town Manager
Town of Longboat Key

HUD Grant
To: Manatee County Commissioner George Kruse
We learned from Sarasota County this week that they will be receiving a $210mm HUD Block Grant (CDBG-DR) for hurricane recovery and resilience. As Manatee suffered at least as much damage last year as Sarasota, we wondered if you might be in line for similar funding. If so, we have a few resiliency projects on the Manatee portion of Longboat that could use the help.
Ken Schneier
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Chief Information Officer Director Jason Keen
Thanks for solving the mystery. Rather than remove the document entirely, perhaps it can be updated to reflect the current situation with Ohana (or remove that reference entirely). It still contains accurate and informative data regarding the ECL, beach renourishment, etc. in the Gulfside Road area. Thank you.
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Commissioner Debbie Williams
Julie mentioned below the fact sheet was outdated and should be resolved. Thank you and have a great (little too cold!) day!
Jason Keen
Chief Information Officer
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Chief Information Officer Jason Keen
It should be fixed now. I was wondering where the heck that fact sheet was being pulled from, I’m glad you found the location! I deleted the fact sheet because it had outdated information about Ohana House.
Julie Anderson
Office Manager Public Works Department
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Public Works Office Manager Julie Anderson
It appears on this page, the link to the document referenced below is no longer available.
Jason Keen
Chief Information Officer
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Public Works Office Manager Julie Anderson
Would you be able to see if this as removed as it is no longer valid or put back if it is?
Jason Keen
Chief Information Officer
Town of Longboat Key

Uninterrupted Beach access fact sheet
To: Longboat Key Chief Information Officer Jason Keen
There was a link on the Town website to the attached Fact Sheet 2/2022, entitled “Uninterrupted Beach Access”. The link is broken and no longer available. The page is not searchable either, with “uninterrupted beach access” not returning this document. Can you check this out? Thank you.
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key

Permitting for Banyan Bay Club
To: Longboat Key Planning and Zoning Director Alan Parsons
A friend and neighbor reached out to me regarding some difficulty their community at Banyan Bay Club is having getting permits for storm repair (electrical, plumbing, and drywall). They have 22 units waiting to be repaired, and are obviously anxious to get the repairs started so they can get back in their homes. They are working with Charlie Bell, Panhandle Contractors, for the repairs. Is there anything that can be done to get the process expedited?
Debra Williams
Town of Longboat Key





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