On Patrol Longboat Key Police reports week of January 31, 2025


The following are actual police reports as written by Longboat Key Police Officers. They are edited for length, punctuation and to protect privacy.

Jan. 24
3:30 p.m.
Officer Ericsson and Officer Miklos were dispatched to Bay Isles Parkway regarding a verbal disturbance. Upon arrival, officers contacted the manager of the cleaners. The manager and another man were involved in a verbal argument over two pairs of pants that were lost by the cleaner. The manager said he paid the customer by check for one pair of pants that were lost but the second pair was located and returned to the man. The manager further stated it was the cleaner’s policy which is written on the back of each ticket that their business is not responsible for lost articles. The manager agreed to pay for one pair of pants, but denied paying for the second pair, which upset the customer. The customer was irate and demanded to be paid for the second pair of pants or else he would not leave. The customer stated the second pair of pants they claimed were his, did not belong to him. Officer Miklos reminded the customer of the business’s policy regarding lost items and advised him the issue was civil in nature. Furthermore, Officer Miklos advised the customer that it was in his best interest to leave the business voluntarily without further incident. The customer left voluntarily with two pairs of pants and the check given to him by the manager. The incident was civil in nature and no offense occurred. Case clear.

Case clear
10:30 p.m.
Officer Maple while on patrol conducted a speed enforcement at the 400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive and witnessed a northbound dark colored vehicle traveling at a visually estimated speed of 50 mph. Later identified as a black Chevy Malibu whose speed was measured at 50 mph in a 35 mph. Officer Maple made contact with the driver who said he did not have his Driver’s License as he left his wallet at home. When asked the status of his Driver’s License, the driver said it was suspended. The man was processed and released in the field with a uniformed traffic citation and scheduled to appear in Sarasota County Court. While completing processing, the driver advised his family member who had a valid license was going to remove the vehicle from the scene. The driver was again advised not to drive until his possessed a valid driver’s license. The driver was also issued a written warning for his speed violation for which he was originally stopped. Case clear.

Jan. 25
5:30 p.m.
Officer Martinson was dispatched to Bay Isles on a call of a citizen assist. Upon arrival, Officer Martinson met with the security officer inside the gate house. The security guard stated that approximately 5:30 p.m., a man riding a bike was not paying attention and rode right into the down gate arm. The guard stated the man was not injured and was no longer on scene. The guard said the bicyclist’s name and where he lived. The guard said the gate was not damaged and it just needed to be popped back on with a new plastic bolt. The guard said he needed a police report to document the incident. Case clear.

Jan. 26
10:52 a.m.
Officer Ericsson was dispatched to Hibiscus Way and Poinsettia Avenue on a noise disturbance. Upon arrival, Officer Ericsson contacted the caller who said there was construction work being done on Hibiscus Way. Officer Ericsson advised the caller that the current Town Ordinance allows for construction to be done on Sundays through the end of January due to the recent hurricanes. He said he understood and thanked him for the information. Case clear.

12:20 p.m.
Officer Ericsson was dispatched to Longboat Drive East on a trespassing involving multiple parties fishing on the caller’s dock. The caller was watching the individuals via surveillance system. Upon arrival, Officer Martinson, Officer Miklos and Officer Ericsson observed five people leaving the property with fishing equipment. Officers contacted the five mentioned subjects who stated they were leaving. The caller said he had permission from the next door neighbor to be on their property and admitted he should not have been on the caller’s dock. Officer Ericsson advised the group that they should not enter someone’s property without an invitation or permission. Officer Ericsson contacted the caller and advised him of the conversation with the group and he said he just wanted everyone to leave. Case clear.

Jan. 27
11:51 a.m.
Officer Van Dyke responded to Bay Isles Parkway in reference to an illegally parked car hauler. Upon arrival, Officer Van Dyke observed a man standing near a car hauler titled ‘Classic Car Hauler’ parked in the outside lane of Bay Isles Parkway. As Officer Van Dyke approached, the man inquired where he could park such a large vehicle. Officer Van Dyke advised the subject that a car hauler’s are directed to load/unload near Bay isles Road. The subject was glad to be educated. The driver was also excited that it’s a safer alternative to attempting a U-turn on Gulf of Mexico Drive as well. Officer Van Dyke stayed on scene until the vehicle left the scene and relocated. Case clear.

4:34 p.m.
Sgt. Montfort was contacted by Chief Rubino who stated that Town Commissioner Gary Coffin observed several crab traps in the channel near the Quick Point Preserve. Sgt. Montfort deployed the patrol boat from the south end boat lift and observed numerous blue buoys floating in the channel. The channel was poorly marked due to the hurricane damage, however, the traps still did pose as a hazard to navigation. Sgt. Montfort observed the numerous buoys to be blue in color. Sgt. Montfort noted the GPS coordinates and made contact with the Florida Fish and Wildlife who will have a representative will further investigate. Case clear.

Jan. 28
10:39 a.m.
Officer Pescuma was dispatched to Bay Isles Parkway in reference to a vehicle that accessed the gate without authorization. Upon arriving on scene, Officer Pescuma spoke with the security guard at the shack who said that a man in a dark colored pickup truck was going to Bayou Circle and was not int eh computer system to be granted access, but proceeded through the gate anyway. Officer Pescuma asked the guard if the subject was conducting work at the house of if he was a friend/relative of the homeowner in which she was unaware. She attempted to call the homeowner with negative results. Officer Pescuma proceeded to Bayou Circle where he observed a Gray Ford Pickup truck and two men in the garage. Officer Pescuma made contact with the homeowner and his nephew who was driving and had permission to be on the property, however he just got back into town and has yet to add his nephew to the access list. The homeowner stated that he will provide proper documentation to the front gate staff to avoid further complications. Officer Pescuma advised the complainant of the findings and she was pleased that the guard of his findings and she was pleased that the homeowner will add his nephew to the access list.

8:22 p.m.
Officer Troyer responded to St. Judes Drive for a report of a noise complaint. Upon arrival, Officer Troyer did not hear much music coming from the residence. Officer Troyer spoke with the caller to which the caller reported the neighbor whom was identified through previous contact, turned the music down. The caller said the music was previously loud which was why he called, but he did not find the music currently annoying or loud. Officer Troyer arrived at the residence and knocked multiple times and finally spoke with the homeowner and said to turn the music down to which he complied. Officer Troyer observed music coming from the residence, however the music did not appear to be an ordinance violation. Case clear.

Jan. 29
Driver’s license
8:51 a.m.
Officer Miklos while on patrol in the 4400 block of Gulf of Mexico Drive, observed a gray Nissan truck traveling southbound with no headlights. At the time, there was a weather alert for dense fog in the area. As Officer Miklos got behind the vehicle, and noticed vehicles traveling northbound flick their headlights at the Nissan truck. At the time, Officer Miklos initiated a traffic stop on the truck via emergency lights and met with the driver. Officer Miklos advised the driver the reason for the stop. The driver advised he did not have a driver’s license and has not had one since around 1992 due to legal issues. The driver provided a Florida ID card. He advised his son was enroute to pick up the vehicle with a valid license. The driver was issued a Manatee County Court date and was issued a warning for operating a vehicle without headlights during dense fog. The driver acknowledged his mandatory court appearance through signature. Case clear.



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