Longboat Key & Sarasota Letters to the Editor week of September 20, 2024


Longboat Key News and Sarasota City News encourages Letters to the Editor on timely issues. Please email to: letters@lbknews.com or mail to PO Box 8001, Longboat Key, FL 34228. We also print letters sent to Town Hall that address Longboat Key issues. We reserve the right to edit.

To: Longboat Key Commission, Sarasota City Commission
The MSLC Board requested a representative of FPL be asked to attend a future meeting to discuss various issues of concern.
I spoke today to Devaney Iglesias of FPL and she will be attending the Board’s Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025 meeting at 9:30 a.m.
She did ask that, in order to bring in the appropriate FPL staff, if you will please provide what items the Board wishes to discuss in advance. This will allow the persons involved in specific issues to answer questions and provide information. As you know, there may be questions about rates, customer service, storm issues, etc. She would like to have persons there who would be able to answer your questions and concerns. Please mark your calendar for our January 9, 2025, to participate in conversation with FPL. Any questions, please let us know.
Gail Loeffler
Administrative Coordinator
ManaSota League of Cities, Inc.

To: Longboat Key Vice Mayor Mike Haycock
Thank you Vice Mayor Haycock, here is a plan sheet of the Hornblower Lane location (bottom frame). The FDOT required these medians as part of our project design. The bids have been received, and we anticipate starting construction in the near future. As you may recall, the project has been under design and FDOT permitting for some time, and this is the configuration the FDOT approved for permitting purposes. Because a car exiting Hornblower will be exiting from the right side of the road, it looks like there may be enough room to position oneself in the median before merging into traffic (this would be for one car; two cars could not do that and stage at the same time). Included Tip for FYI as well:
Isaac Brownman
Public Works Director
Town of Longboat Key

Country Club Shores Turn Lane
To: Jeff McKee
I will follow-up and get back to you. This project will be covered in the 1 p.m. Commission meeting at Town Hall on Monday. I suggest you or Chris attend and share your concerns. I will be out of town.
Mike Haycock
Vice Mayor
Town of Longboat Key

Country Club Shores Turn Lane
To: Longboat Key Public Works Director Issac Brownman
Passing on for input and follow-up. Can you forward the most recent drawing of this area.
Mike Haycock
Vice Mayor
Town of Longboat Key

Country Club Shores Turn Lane
To: Longboat Key Vice Mayor Mike Haycock
Chris and I read the article in the Observer and are concerned about the proposed curbbed median south of Hornblower Ln. We have lived on Hornblower for 25 years. While we welcome a turn lane on GOM we feel the curbbed median will create more problems for us when turning south from Hornblower Ln. One of the purposes of such a lane should also be the merging of traffic onto GOM. The curbed median would prohibit this function for residents on our street. I understand the aesthetics of a median but it shouldn’t impede flow. We ask that the town/commissioners reconsider the placement of the median as shown in the Observer article.
Jeff McKee
Longboat Key
So sorry about cats and dogs being eaton stories…
To: Springfield Mayor Rob Rue
Dear Mayor Rue- as an elected commissioner in Longboat Key FL I cannot fathom the horror inflected on your community with the fake stories about dogs and cats being eaten. Please know you, your City Council and your community are in my prayers. I hope these politicians will stop this nonsense so you can return to a place of peace.
BJ Bishop
Town of Longboat Key

So sorry
To: Longboat Key Commissioner BJ Bishop
I am unsure of the appropriateness of this discussion in this venue, but since you have brought it up here as a Town Commissioner and LBK Official, I believe it merits a response.
You write compassionately about restoring the Town of Springfield, Ohio, to a “place of peace.” Perhaps you could let their Mayor know how this coul