What is the best technique to increase power?
Guest Columnist
There are many different ways you can increase power throughout your tennis game. On groundstrokes the very first suggestion is holding the racquet as loose as you can. When you squeeze your grip, you are less likely to get racquet head speed. Therefore, the looser you hold the racquet the more racquet head speed you can generate. If you watch a recreational player and a professional player, one of the biggest differences is the racquet head speed the professionals generate.
How do we get more racquet head speed? As mentioned above, first hold the racquet looser. I like to say hold the racquet like you are holding a baby bird. Firm enough that it cannot fly away, but loose enough you won’t hurt it. Another way to get more power but also stay loose is to use your legs. When the ball bounces you want to bend your knees so you can accelerate up and push off with your legs. This is called loading up.
You are generally going to think you are hitting the ball harder when you hit it flatter. Stepping into the ball causes the ball to be flatter while an open stance naturally creates more topspin. Regardless of your stance to get more power you want to rotate your hips. It is imperative to maximize your lo